Health Articles

Step 3 Interview - Eric's Success For Life

Eric, a successful Step 3 ITG Dieter, was about to be prescribed Type II diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure medication by his doctor. He got in touch with a coach at ITG and was able to eliminate the risk of being on medications for health issues and reach his healthy goal weight and BMI. He has successfully maintained that goal weight over the years by following ITG's 3-Step Plan and feels like a kid again! Read the full ITG interview below and view his ITG Success Story Before & After photos by clicking here.


ITG: What motivated you to want to lose weight in the first place?

Eric: My health was the prime reason. I had high blood pressure, level 2 hypertension, I was borderline diabetic, and labeled obese by my doctor. I also wasn’t able to move around very well. If I didn’t lose weight, my next stop was to be on a myriad of medications.


ITG: What made you decide on the ITG Diet Plan?

Eric: I had great success with this diet many years ago and knew that if I needed an effective weight loss program, this one would be the key to my success. I had done the research and even tried other diets, but none of them compared with the real world results I was able to achieve with ITG.


ITG: How much weight did you lose overall?

Eric: I lost 57 pounds in 5 months! I stuck with the plan, didn’t cheat at all throughout the program, and lost my weight.


ITG: Did you have any medical issues or medications prior to starting the diet, and if so, has your weight loss impacted those issues or medications?

Eric: As I mentioned, I had high blood sugar (A1C), Level II Hypertension, high blood pressure, and excessive weight placing me in the obese category. I wasn’t on medications at the time I started the ITG Diet Plan. My doctor was ready to prescribe medications though. I made a deal with him – if I could lose the weight and get my numbers down, then we would be able to forego medications. All my numbers went down into the normal range after 5 months and no medications have been needed to this day!


ITG: What did you find was easiest about the ITG Diet Plan in Steps 1 & 2?

Eric: The selections of different foods I could have helped a lot. The step by step approach gave me guidance for what I could and could not eat for my utmost success. The roadmap and plan are spelled out and I followed them easily.


ITG: What have been some of your challenges on the program in Steps 1 & 2?

Eric: Getting myself off the coffee was one. The sugar cravings went away over time, but the first week was the hardest. Once I got beyond that point, I knew I could make it to my goal.


ITG: Do you have any challenges or weight gain in Step 3? If so, how do you get back to your goal weight?

Eric: When I attend functions or parties, I end up having foods that aren’t conducive to my diet or I end up having some alcoholic beverages. After a few days of these foods and drinks, the weight gain can start. To stop the scale from going up, I jump right back on Step 1, get strict, until I get back to my goal weight.


ITG: What advice would you give others who are thinking about starting the ITG Diet Plan?

Eric: If you want real results, follow this plan to the letter and you will be very successful!


ITG: What would you tell someone who says they aren’t sure they can afford the diet?

Eric: You can’t afford not to! For what I spent on diet books and programs in the past, if you look at the ratio of pounds lost per dollars spent, you will find the ITG Diet Plan is very cost effective for the results. Not being on high priced medications in the future will also save you lots of money in the long run!


ITG: What are some of your favorite tips to help you maintain your goal weight in Step 3?

Eric: Use hot sauce on food to make you want to hydrate more. Use ITG foods for healthy snacks or recovery from workouts.


ITG: How long have you been in Step 3? Have you had to do a Step 1 tune-up while in Step 3?

Eric: I have been on Step 3 for almost 3 years. I have done Step 1 again a few times to get back down to my goal weight. Life happens, vacations happen. When you think you can go back to the eating habits you left behind, the weight will follow you – and catch up!


ITG: On a typical day of Step 3 – Maintenance, tell us what your daily menu looks like.

Eric: I would have a 3 egg and veggie omelet, a handful of blueberries in the morning. For a snack maybe a protein shake. For lunch I still love the ITG Vegetable Chili with salad. For recovery from my workouts, I have an ITG protein shake. For dinner I eat chicken, fish or steak with broccoli, cauliflower, green beans and a side salad. In the evening for a late-night snack, I still like to have my ITG Marshmallow Hot Chocolate!


ITG: What does your reward day look like in Step 3?

Eric: Reward day can include a beer or a glass of wine. A dinner out with friends or family. I may even indulge in chocolate cake for dessert.


ITG: Do you reward yourself more than one day per week?

Eric: No – reward day is just that, one a week. If I feel the need for comfort food, I will compensate with extra vegetables instead to feel fuller. If I would let myself get in the habit of more than 1 reward day a week, I feel like I would cycle back into a pattern of old food habits and have unwanted results – weight gain!


ITG: How often do you eat at restaurants in Step 3, and how do you order your food when dining out?

Eric: When I am in a hurry at work, I will dine out. Usually I bring my lunch though. Dining out for breakfast when I’m really hungry, I still get a 3-egg veggie omelet. Dining out for dinner would be on occasion only. In summary, I would dine out realistically about 3 times on average.


ITG: Do you ever eat fast food? What do you order?

Eric: Very rarely would I have fast food since getting away from it 3 years ago. If I were to eat fast food, it would be modified to eliminate anything unnecessary so I get the main nutrients – for example I would get a grilled chicken sandwich and not have the bread or dressing if it came down to it. Or I would have a salad with grilled chicken or shrimp.


ITG: Do you look at nutritional labels when shopping? If so, what items on the label are you looking at?

Eric: Yes, I look at protein, carb and fat content as well as overall calories.


ITG: If you’re in a hurry, what is your favorite quick, go-to meal?

Eric: An ITG shake. Easiest to do in the plastic bottle, just add water and go!


ITG: Do you stick to whole foods? Do you eat any processed foods such as boxed or canned items from the grocery store?

Eric: I stick to whole foods as often as possible. Very rarely would I consider eating processed foods anymore.


ITG: Have your new eating habits affected healthy changes with other members of your household?

Eric: Yes, my household is supportive of my eating habits. They want to feel healthy like I do and follow similar whole food consumption with the planned meals I would prepare.


ITG: Has your opinion of your self-worth changed? Not superficially, but do you feel like you are stronger minded, more resilient, self-compassionate or more proactive with your well-being? If so, explain.

Eric: Since losing weight, my self-worth has changed, feeling more fit, more active, and proactive in taking part in activities I used to forego. My self-image of a thinner me has become the new norm. I feel supportive of others and I worry less about things like blood pressure, blood sugar, and being overweight. Life feels so much better these days being health and having accomplished what I did in such a short amount of time.


ITG: Add any extra item you’d like to tell us about with any aspect of the ITG Diet Plan.

Eric: The support I got from my coach, Joe at ITG, and the rest of the team has been nothing short of amazing. They make you feel like you are their only customer. You get great attention to detail and they will walk you through any situations or questions that arise. The coaching has been a very necessary part of this journey and I could not have done it without them!


Keep up the great work, Eric! View Eric's Before & After Success Story and photos here.


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