Weight Control at ITG

Category: Healthy Living
Created on Thursday, 03 December 2020 10:41
Hits: 511

Our perspective is that ITG helps to get people healthy… and weight loss is just a side effect.  That isn’t meant to sound flippant.  We take weight loss and long term weight control seriously because getting yourself to a healthy weight is one of the best things you can do to reduce existing conditions and the best thing you can do to protect yourself from new conditions and disease.  That’s also why we work with medical organizations across the country to gather information, facts and perspectives from a wide range of sources, like this one…

“Every pound of body weight places four to six pounds of pressure on each knee joint. Individuals with obesity are 20 times more likely to need a knee replacement than those who are not overweight. From 2002 to 2009, the number of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedures performed on patients with obesity doubled,” according to the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 

We listen to many institutions, like Harvard Medical, which has estimated that America could reduce its chronic conditions and diseases by 90 percent if we all adopted healthy diet and lifestyles.  Yet that’s not realistic so we’re not trying to help everyone. 

We’re focusing on those of you who are trying to control their weight, whatever your reason.  Yet if your reason is for health then we think we have a lot to offer in ITG’s Survive & Thrive program. 

Survive & Thrive is not only a stand-alone resource for health-minded individuals, it’s also a logical extension of Step 3 on the ITG Diet Program, which is dedicated to helping you maintain your healthy lifestyle.

If we're going to talk about getting healthy via weight control, make sure you do your research. Our wide range of topics, both in the ITG Diet knowledge base and in the Survive & Thrive knowledge base, can help you get motivated and healthy.  With continuous new topics, we provide you with the necessary tools to keep you informed.

As we state often, ITG Diet has one focus… to help people get healthy by controlling their weight.  We don’t use gimmicks and fads.  We don’t tell people they can eat cookies or special juice or take drugs or to sprinkle dust on their food.  Quick fix programs just don’t work in the long term.

Weight control is an intimate issue for most of us.  We all have unique metabolisms, we all have our own tastes in foods, we all have our own activity level and we’re all subjected to a lot of hype in the marketplace.  At ITG, we skip the hype and get down to the science.  Don’t fall for anyone’s hype.  We don’t make claims we can’t back up and we don’t expect others to do so either, yet they do, so be careful of false promises. 

We promote an easy-to-use, science-based weight control program that focuses on simple knowledge.  We don’t give false hopes and we don’t sell any magic products.  We’ll coach you, we’ll share our knowledge, we’ll give you the tools, we’ll work with your special circumstances and we’ll show you how to control your weight and then how to stay healthy.  And all of this is backed up with science, not hype.

Something to remember is that just about all diet programs may make you lose weight.  The secret is losing the right weight.  You want to lose fat, not the good stuff like your skin tone, your organs, your hair quality, your nail quality or your vitality.  That’s why we use a modified ketogenic program that burns fat… that’s right, fat!

 ITG Diet Plan Highlights:


The ITG weight loss method takes a holistic approach to treating inner and outer health.  Our products are basically meant to get you healthy.  As we say, weight loss is simply a byproduct of getting healthy.  

Please enjoy the articles and content provided in Survive & Thrive.

Stay Healthy, Live Healthy

Laurel Beatty

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