Keeping Herbs Fresh

  • Loosely wrap herbs in a damp paper towel, then seal in a zip-top plastic bag filled with air. Refrigerate for up to five days. Check herbs daily, as some of them lose their flavor after a couple of days. 
  • Store herbs bouquet-style when in bunches: Place, stems down, in a jar with water covering 1 inch of the stem ends, enclose in a large zip-top plastic bag, and change the water every other day. Most herbs will keep for up to a week this way. 
  • Many supermarkets carry herb plants in their produce sections. Snip off as much as you need, and the plant will last for weeks or even months. 
  • To revive limp herbs, trim 1/2 inch off the stems, and place in ice water for a couple of hours. 
  • Wash herbs just before using; pat dry with a paper towel. 
  • In most cases, heat kills the flavor of fresh herbs, so they're best when added to a dish at the end.



Focus on Health 

The Best Defense is Health
It is clearly undisputed that the best preventative medicine is good health. People challenged us to add more to our weight loss program. The more they were asking about was simply more health. Not only what to eat more of, but what to consume less of. More about what we can drink, plant, buy, eat, or study to be healthier. We all want more out of life and we've found excellent tips, tricks, advice and even recipes to improve our lives. Everything we've found that makes sense to us has been small in nature. After all, by definition, if you're looking here for ideas then you're well ahead of the game. Small victories!

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